Global Warming : Things Have Changed !!!

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Global Warming is a topic, which has been torn to pieces with discussions and discussions over the original discussions.  It so happens that topic is so relevant after the industrial revolution and never loss its grip, despite the fact that it is one of the most diversly discussed topic throughout the  human history.

As usual, even if you beat up your mother, there would be two sides.  here, one side claims that it is due to the human intervention in to the nature , which has resulted in an increase in the overall temperature, while the other side argues , its is a natural phenomenon with human contributions comparatively smaller when compared to other sources such as the volcanic emissions . When human emissions account for nearly 3% of the CO2 emissions, there are still large group of factors which is possibly catalyzing the effect .

I have been doing some reading on this topic for past couple of years and the only thing I am  uncomfortable is the fact that the temperatures are actually increasing , be it the global warming or be it the earth’s technique for ecological equilibrium.  Scientists say that we may go back to the ice age with more fresh water entering the oceans from the poles and causing the change in currents across the oceans. This may or may not be true !!. However the truth is world is no longer comfortable for a peaceful life.

Whatever the reason for the rising temperatures may be, this should be seen as chance for the humans to realize what we are doing to our surroundings, to improve the nature and to save other living beings .  It is a fact that the animals / birds are being extinct and/or is in the verge of extinction and are we doing something about it ??  NO !!.



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