How do I Name Applications / Folders in Windows

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Web Applications

Web Applications should be given a name that clearly reflects both the default URL and port number.

Proposed pattern: {Host Header} – {Port}

Example for a site with host header, port 80: – 80

Service Applications

The most straightforward way to name service applications is to use the same name as the service application type. You can see the names of the different service application types in the “New” dropdown button on Manage Service Applications in Central Administration.

If more than one service application exists, just add a dash and an additional value that differentiates the service application.

Excel Services Application
Managed Metadata Service
Secure Store Service

Examples with more than one service application of the same type:
Corporate level: Managed Metadata Service
Department level: Managed Metadata Service – Sales Department

Application Pools

For web applications and service applications with their own application pools, simply give the application pool the same name as the web application or service application. For shared application pools, give it a name which clearly reflects how it’s used.


Network Share


  • Create List, Library, and View names using CamelCase and change Title to user friendly names with spaces between words after the asset is created.
  • Use underscores “_” to separate words in document names and use the Title column to create “friendly names” for documents.
  • Use periods in front of group names for custom columns and content types so that your site-specific groups sort to the top of lists that are exposed to power users.
  • SG_SupportLobby_TechnicalSupport_SultanateOfOman_NewServicelevelAgreements




Option 1 – Web application and service application name

The following option works well if you want a naming convention that’s similar to SharePoints default names, and where each farm has a separate SQL instance.

Proposed pattern for Content Databases: WSS_Content_{URL to Web Application}, dots converted to underscore.
Example: WSS_Content_Intranet_SUPPORTLOBBY_Com

Proposed pattern for Service Applications: {Service Application Name}, blankspaces converted to underscore.
Example: Managed_Metadata_Service

If needed, databases could also be prefixed with a value that differentiates the databases. This makes management easier since databases are listed in alphabetical order in SQL Server Manager.



Option 2 – Technology/ID_Organization_Scope_DatabaseType








Founder Supportlobby / Spiraldesk

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